21 May 2016

Pineapple Upside down cake

I am back with a recipe after a  long time, and I am happy I finally made it here. When it comes to baking, I love classics. Pineapple upside down cake is an all time classic, and one of my favorites too. 

Since I couldn't manage to capture step wise pictures, read the protocol carefully. I shall update the pictures when I bake the next time. This recipe is easy to bake, can be served either hot or cold!




Interested in knowing the reactions behind baking a fluffy cake, then read on! 

When fat and sugar are mixed together little bubbles of air are being trapped in the mixture, each bubble is surrounded by a film of fat. This air  produces the lightness in the finished cake. At this this stage adding eggs becomes important. Egg forms a layer around each air bubble, preventing the bubble from bursting and ruining the texture of the cake. With the increase in temperature of the cake this layer coagulates and forms a rigid wall round each bubble, While it is baking, the bubbles of air will expand and the cake will rise. At the same time  gluten in the flour which has formed an elastic network round the air bubbles will stretch until it loses its elasticity and the shape of the cake becomes fixed.  But until that moment of expansion is reached, the baking must occur uninterrupted.