Deepavali just passed. And this time I tried making a special dish on the day i.e, Kajjaya. They call it Kajjaya in Bangalore. It is also named as Athirasa in few parts of Karnataka. This is a household delight here in Bangalore on the occasion of Deepavali.
It is made using rice. Recipes are easily available. One has to make the dough the previous day and let it rest for a day before deep frying them. A simple procedure, but if one doesn't get the technique right everything is gone for a toss. I hear many failures during deepavali when people try to make it. Well I have seen it happening in my very own home. But there are many ways to trouble shoot and make the dough usable. You can write to me for the troubleshooting guide. There are many Kajjaya making experts among my family and friends who can help in this regard.
Moving on to the recipe of Godhi Kajjaya!! Yes!! You heard it right!! I used wheat flour instead of rice grain to make this. It takes about an hour to two including the preparation and cooking time. It is simple, easy, and chances of failure- very minimal or nil.
These days I am obsessed with simple, quick and easy recipes considering the fast paced lifestyle we all have. Whatever it maybe, I love home cooked food and love to try traditional, challenging recipes.